How To...

Seeking The Love Corner

There are types of 'Chi' that help you build relationships, make you a more pleasant person to be with, make you cheerful and happy - attributes that make you attractive and likable.......


Improve "Wealth Luck"

...The actual "luck" a "wealth corner" brings when activated actually refers to beneficial energies that help sharpen the mind, allowing residents to recognize opportunities and helping them perform better in their....


Learn Optimism

Here are 6 ways to be happy, smiling, "sunshine person".....


Master the Calm Art of Patience

In order to develop patience one must employ it in everyday life. Here are 7 things you can do to....


Turn Selfish Friends Into a Lasting One

Selfish friends often end up being ex-friend because you let them walk all over you until it gets too.....


Feng Shui the Internal Factors of a House

...a collection of rules that have been observed over many hundreds of years by Feng Shui Masters.


Balance Yin and Yang

...yin and yang are most beneficial when they are balancing each other.


Remedy for Annual Flying Stars

To remedy the annual flying star influences, you must first determine the likelihood of the annual flying star having a positive or negative result. Then prioritize its important based on how frequently that area of the house, apartment...


Use Feng Shui To Improve Career Prospects

For those who wish to consider using Feng Shui to improve their career and promotion prospects, should look into the following...checklist


How to Be A Brilliant Survivor

Success comes from the matchless wisdom of cultivating a proper attitude towards others in our daily affairs and towards the whole circumstances of our life....



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