Clearing Basic Feng Shui Confusions

Confusion generally revolves around which feng shui method of investigation to use as well as regarding issues such as how directions are taken under different systems; what and how symbols are to be placed, and what advice to follow when confronted with contradictory recommendations. To sift through all the basic issues of contention that cause confusion, it is important to remember that feng shui is both a science and an art - sometimes requiring technical investigations and complex calculations and other times requiring an almost instinctive selection of options. Feng shui is mostly a diagnostic practice requiring judgment, experience and a good dose of common sense.

Using feng shui today means adapting classical and traditional practice to a modern environment. Theory alone is not good enough. Theory alone is an impractical approach. Unless feng shui theory is interpreted with an eye to the urban landscapes of modern city living the practice of feng shui cannot bring meaningful results. So there is a need to interpret and adapt feng shui guidelines to suit modern day living and work spaces.

Some common issues causing confusion that need to be clarified include the following.

1. TAKING DIRECTION - when practicing formula feng shui a proper compass should be used. Note that directions referred to in feng shui texts always mean directions as taken with a compass, not from the front door, not from where the sun sets or rises, and not from whether you live in the North or South hemisphere. Directions are always taken with a compass. It does not need to be the feng shui Lo Pan. Directions indicated in feng shui for yang dwellings (i.e. houses and offices) can be taken with any good western style compass.

2. WHICH DIRECTION TO TAKE - to practice Eight Mansions feng shui, the direction of any door that is frequently used by you should be an auspicious direction as given according to your GUA number. When practicing Flying Star feng shui however judgment must be used on whether to use the direction of the main door or direction of the whole house.

3. SUPERIMPOSING THE LO SHU GRID - when locating directions in any home or office it is necessary to draw a nine grid square over the floor plan before one is able to identify the compass directions of each corner of the home. For irregular shaped homes the grid is still superimposed onto the home and of course there will then be missing and protruding corners. These corners are analyzed separately.

4. PLACEMENT OF SYMBOLS - when arranging the placement of decorative images that have some auspicious, protective or remedial impact, it is necessary to know the purpose of displaying the image or symbol before deciding where to place these images. In placement location is generally more important than direction.

5. SPACE & TIME DIMENSION OF FENG SHUI - the important of both these dimensions require the practitioner to make annual investigations that ensure the spatial feng shui of house and office doors and rooms are not hurt by harmful annual time afflictions. Thus some knowledge of the powerful Flying Star formula is necessary.

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